You can find all necessary information about schedule and venues in our folder. Download it here.

The VSB’23 concept includes the following:

Parties with live music and/or DJs on all evenings from Thursday (welcome party) to Monday (after party). Check out our musicians here.


If you book the add on classes, you can join three classes: 

  • one on Friday at 16:00
  • and two on Saturday (first slot starting at 13:00 and the second starting at 15:00)

For every time slot, there will be two themed all level classes for you to choose from.

Friday 16:00-17:30

Discover your cool (Lotte)

This class focuses on improvisation and attitude within the aesthetics of blues dancing. You’ll start by truly connecting with yourself and the music and discover what moves you in the music and how it moves you. After this we will explore how you can make the movement grow and how to share and express this in connection with others.

From self connection to partner connection (Kat & Cat)

Explore with us the wide spectrum of connection: being with yourself as an individual and dancer, co-creating with a partner in an open connection and sharing trust in a more closed lead and follow connection. In this class we will challenge the narratives assigned to dance roles and invite you to stretch their boundaries.

Saturday 13:00-14:30

Find the groove (Lotte)

Blues music ranges from fast to slow, heavy to light, from draggy to staccato and everything in between. In this class we’ll work on finding the groove in different styles of blues music. We’ll work on common rhythms in blues music, learn how to embody them and move as if we are part of the band. 

From individuality to community (Kat & Cat)

How does a group of individuals become a community? How do we create an environment of sharing? What do you bring to the dance floor and what are others sharing with you in a dance partnership and beyond? In this class we want to build awareness how each and everyone of us shapes the community and playfully explore how to create a more social dance environment.

Saturday 15:00-16:30

Shape your dance (Lotte)

Dancing is essentially about expressing your emotions and your understanding of the music through movement. In this class we’ll explore our range of movement within the aesthetics of blues dancing such as groundedness and dynamism. Sign up for this class if you’re willing to colour outside the lines. 😉

From Mali to Mississippi to Vienna (Kat & Cat)

“Mali to Mississippi” is a song by Electric Blues musician Mighty Mo Rodgers that  references the influences of traditional African music on the Blues. Together we want to go on a journey following the origins of the Blues, making its way through the U.S.A. and traveling the world. In this class we listen to different styles of Blues and explore how the change in the music changes our movement.

Social Activities

We’re organising daytime community get-togethers during the weekend. Come together to dance, recharge, learn from each other, meet old and new friends in a relaxed atmosphere.

The social activities (besides Monday Blues Brunch) are included in both festival passes.

Friday 12:00-15:00

Community Cooking
Like dancing, cooking is one of the oldest cultural techniques that is deeply woven into our lives. Let’s cook together and treat ourselves with some vegan delicacies at Caritas community kitchen — a meeting point for different people, cultures, and the neighbourhood. 

Serious Gaming
We all do it – in one way or another: gaming and interacting in a playful way. In this community session (hosted by GameLab Vienna) you can let your imagination run wild, delve into new worlds, get new perspectives and reflect together on societally relevant topics such as migration or racism.

Community Designing
We are all part of building a community — attendees, volunteers, organisers, teachers … — and together we can do it better. Join us for an informal but guided exchange, talking to peer dancers, learning about resources & toolkits on a portfolio of diverse topics (e.g. building safeR spaces, visioning & exploratory exercises such as community canvas)

Sunday 14:00-19:00

Impro Workshop
Dancing has always evolved and does to this day develop along all different kinds of influences. For this social activity Shawn will introduce you to some tools of improtheater to create connection, community, and consent. His highly inspirational and often hilarious methods are an eye-opening event you would not like to miss.

Open Stage & Jam Session
The stage is yours: share your story, poem, song, improv – or simply grab an instrument and play the blues.

Monday Blues Brunch

It wouldn’t be Vienna Sugar Blues without it, right? The Blues Brunch can be booked separately during the registration.



Fania Live

Gürtellinie U-Bahn Bogen 22+23

1080 Vienna

Friday Social Activity

Social Activity:

Kulturhaus Brotfabrik

Absberggasse 27/3

1100 Wien

Friday and Saturday



SwingAUT Studio

Eßlinggasse 9 / Top 3

1010 Wien




Goldschlagstraße 169

1140 Wien


Social Activities during the day:


Frau Mayer

Rudolfsplatz 12

1010 Wien




Franz-Josefs-Kai 4, Wolfgang-Schmitz-Promenade

1010 Wien


Blues Brunch:


Café Amacord

Reche Wienzeile 15

1040 Wien




Azul Bar

Postgasse 2

1010 Wien